Wednesday, December 22, 2010

another countdown

circa june 2009
it's crazy to think of everything that has changed since this piksha was taken...what will happen in the next year?! who knows?? isn't it awesome?

I feel like I'm constantly counting down to something.

Good and bad.

Good because it means I always have something to look forward to.

Bad because I'm not enjoying the present as much as I could.

I'll work on that, promise.

In the future:

Mexico, of course. 15 days from now. Oh dear.

Next semester, I will have a hammock, and it will be sunny in Rexburg. Connect the dots.

That one race I signed up for awhile know...just the Ragnar. Psyche. 6 months and counting.

A Lizzy/Kenzie reunion. It's gonna happen, people.

Speaking of reunions, I know six missionaries who will be returning next year. Big smiley.

In the near future:

Chelsea will open her mission call and I'll know what address to slap on those envelopes. Could happen TODAY.

I'll turn 21, which doesn't mean much unless you are a boozer. For the record, I am not.

Apples to Apples with singles ward amigos.


I'm going to listen to some Phoenix like I did in the olden days. This song matches pretty well, I think.

My friend (at least one I know of) is going to get engaged. What the junk?!


Amy said...

Mexico in 15 DAYS!!! So soon?! I'm not ready. Tell us where Chels is going.

Jessica said...

I can't believe you're going to Mexico!!! Just over a week (right?!). Holy moly :)