Word to my fellow bookworms: if it's in bold, that means I've been there and read that. If you would like to know my opinion of the book, just throw me an email. Not literally, though. That might hurt to get a computer thrown at my head. Just sayin'.
The Booklist 2010-2011
1. The Good Earth-Pearl S. Buck
2. A Tale of Two Cities-Charles Dickens
3. The Historian-Elizabeth Kostova
4. The Mysterious Benedict Society-Trenton Lee Stewart
5. The Secret Life of Bees-Sue Monk Kidd
6. Let the Great World Spin-Calum McCann
7. These is My Words-Nancy E. Turner
8. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society-Mary Ann Shaffer
9. The Giver-by Lois Lowry
10. In the Shadow of Gotham-Stefanie Pintoff
11. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
12. Persuasion-Jane Austen
13. Emma-Jane Austen
14. The Hunchback of Notre Dame-Hugo
15. Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien
16. Hunger Games-Collins
17. Catching Fire-Collins
18. Little Women-Alcott
19. The Screwtape Letter-C.S. Lewis
20. The Red Badge of Courage-Crane
21. The Scarlett Letter-Hawthorne
22. Remembering Isaac-Niederbipp
23. The Help-Stockett
24. The Grapes of Wrath-Steinbeck
1. Infinite Atonement-Ted R. Callister *in progress*
2. The Miracle of Forgiveness-Spencer W. Kimball *in progress*
3. On Wings of Faith-Frederick Babbel
4. Bonds that Make Us Free
5. A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A Maxwell-Bruce C. Hafen
6. Standing for Something-Gordon B. Hinckley
7. Go Forward with Faith-Sheri L. Dew
8. Armor-Kim B. Clark
9. Finding God at BYU *in progress*
10. Jesus the Christ-Talmage
11. The House of the Lord-Talmage
12. Lighten Up!-Okizaki
13. Remembering Joseph-McConkie
14. Why the Church is As True as the Gospel-England
15. When Thou Art Converted-Ballard
16. Trusting Jesus-Holland
17. If Life Weren’t Easy, it Wouldn’t be Hard-Dew *in progress*
18. All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience-Maxwell
19. Be Your Best Self-Monson
20. The Peacegiver-Ferrell
21. Peace, Happiness, and Joy-Scott
1. Runner’s World Complete Book of Women’s Running-Dagny Scott Barrios *in progress*
2. Stones into Schools-Greg Mortensen
3. The Diary of Anne Frank
4. A Life in the Year of Shakespeare-Shapiro
5. D-Day: The Climactic Battle of WWII-Ambrose
7. Fast Food Nation-Schlosser *in progress*
8. Schindler’s List-Keneally
9. In Defense of Food-Pollan *in progress*
Just so you know, I pretty much add to this sucker all the time. Blame it on my genes.
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