Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Family Project! If you are related to me, please read!

Hullo family! And of course, anyone else who happens to read this blog. I am starting a project for my Marriage and Family Relations class that's due in 3 weeks, and what I need from you is oodles and oodles of photographs! Any and all family photos you have, from when you were little to right now...I don't really care just start sendin' 'em in. I need some photos from now all the way to four generations back, so whatever you have you can send my way. I'm going to put them all in a slideshow and then of course I'll post it on here for you all to see! email me at: pelirrojorunner@gmail.com
Be excited!!


Unknown said...

dude...you can get quite a few just by visiting people's blogs - mom's, Aunt Amy, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Kent's, etc. I'm guessing you could find all you need just from doing that...

Anonymous said...

yes but I need older ones as well, from your childhood and when grandma and grandpa were younger too

Amy said...

you got it Kenz. Brace yourself!

Em said...

I'd help but I'm sure Amy has much much more than me (being nothing).
I look forward to your post though, indeeed. I love when ya'll break out the vintage photos

Ging said...

You got it!! Tell me what you want- since you know what I have. By the way- do you need me to send Caleb to help you put it all together? Dad's idea is good-but they are pixilated and an e-mail of the original file is better.
My verification word is : walkyaus, I think it's a sign.