Friday, June 10, 2011

it's friday, i dig it

O my lanta. On a scale from 1-10, this week has been a negative five, yes that's not good in case you were wondering. I got hit with some unexpected senioritis+then some and then other mishaps started to bike got all wonky and un-ride-able just when I ran out of food, I went to see a craazy doctor who told me running was bad for me (that's not all she said either), I forgot where my teacher's office was and missed our conferencing appointment, and I didn't quite get the schedule I wanted for fall, meaning I will not be done with classes until 4 or 5 o'clock at night....BLURGH. So friends, that is why I have been behind on this blog, because I just haven't felt like saying anything, for fear that it would all come gushing out like a dormant volcano. And it was a volcano, trust me. Mt. St. Helens all over again.

But now it's Friday. Time for a "things I am currently digging" list. And a preview of that post about that writer's retreat which you're gonna wanna me.

1. Whole Foods Market. I like to read other people's blogs who live near these fine establishments so I can vicariously shop there...without spending any money or eating any of the deliciousness. What I wouldn't do for a natural food store in Rexburg!


pictures via

2. This bike...oh man. I don't even know how long I've had the bike I do's been awhile. And since I am also car-less, I figure, why not just save my moolah for a sweet bike? Yeah, "sweet" means expensive. Maybe it will be my graduation present to myself.

3. These shoes. Can they please be on my feet now?

4. Cool braids. I'm gonna learn how to do this, mark my words. via

5. letters from Sis. Bedke

6. this blog

7. packages from amazon...we're going on three this week already (and three more to come...heehee)

8. sleeping in...someday 6 weeks.

9. for some reason I really miss the 60's. even though I never lived then. Look at these pictures, you'll see what I mean. Maybe I just miss the music.








10. oh and this song......good times

this week was such a midterm, rain-in-the-middle-of-june, homesick with 6 weeks left, kind of week. Good thing it's over.

writer's retreat sneak-peek:

"I actually have a crimson unicorn that I sleep with at home..."
yeah that's a direct quote from one of these people.
I know. I know.
get ready....


Ging said...

I hope this means that things can only get better. I am glad you make these lists so you can be reminded of your blessings and the things you look forward to. I think I can do that braid on your hair if my hands don't cramp up holding all 10 lbs of it. Ragnar here you come. 3 packages from Amazon? What the.....

Unknown said...

Dude - I'm from the 60's. Overrated.

P.S. Monday to-do list:

1. Call Doctor.
2. Ditto.
3. Don't wait two weeks next time.
4. Ever!!

Unknown said...

you totally pull off the hair. i freakin love it - like seriously - every day i think to myself... what would kenz do with her hair today??? :P
and i totally agree about the 60s. probably the reason i love thrift stores so much. (sometimes i wonder if it is an unhealthy obsession...)